My Story:

I've battled weight gain for years, especially during my pregnancies. I gained over 75lbs with each one. Struggled to go to the gym feeling self-conscious. 

After my last child was born, I recognized the need for a lifestyle change. Wanting more energy to match my children's pace, I turned to the internet in search of a home workout routine that suited me. Unbeknownst to me at the time, this choice would be transformative. Consistently repeating the same routine, I noticed it becoming more manageable over time. This progress prompted a shift in my mindset. Previously fixated on weight loss for the sake of being "thin," I refused to let a mere number determine my value.

Fitness Lessons Learned Over the Years

Through my journey, I have realized that achieving fitness is a gradual process rather than a quick fix. I have experienced the pitfalls of yo-yo dieting, understanding that its temporary nature hinders sustainable results. Learning to enjoy favorite foods in moderation has been key.

Simply getting started by incorporating movement into my routine made a significant difference. Self-dialogue plays a crucial role – we hold the power to either motivate or deter ourselves. It is important to remember this fact.

Balancing a hectic life as a working mother, I initially prioritized everyone else's needs over my own well-being. However, once I made a firm commitment to focus on my fitness, I witnessed the transformative power of dedication.

The ultimate truth I've come to appreciate is that no one else can undertake this journey on your behalf. Fitness is a personal endeavor that demands self-motivation and effort. Remember, if it truly matters to you, you will carve out time for it.

In 2019 and 2023 and 2024 I traveled to Australia to film with Team Body Project. My aim was to make a positive impact on the fitness community and encourage everyday individuals to engage in workouts. This experience, along with guidance from mentors, inspired me to continue motivating and guiding others on their fitness journey.

Certified as a Group Fitness Instructor in 2021, I also have a background in Personal Training. With a passion for group fitness, my goal is to inspire and empower individuals to reach their fitness objectives. I am recognized for my lively teaching approach, fostering a motivational and inclusive atmosphere for all.

At Forever Young Fitness, we value the strength of our community. We work to build connections among participants, nurturing a supportive environment. Whether engaging in vigorous cardio sessions or calming mind-body practices, our goal is to guide individuals in enhancing their physical and mental well-being with enjoyment at the forefront of the experience.